Articles tagged “taxis”

Ground Transport

Google Gets Patent To Link Restaurant Advertisements To Free Taxi Service

Did Uber's valuation just tick up a billion dollars or so? Google's patent for transportation-aware restaurant ads coupled with free taxi service turns online ads into a concierge service of sorts that will deepen ties between taxi services and restaurants and other businesses.
Ground Transport

How Mayor Bloomberg Changed The Way New York City Moves

It's tough to say that Bloomberg's lasting legacy will be New York City's transportation transformation with so many changes taking place in the past 12 years. We can say with confidence that the improvements are still just small steps towards insuring the city keeps pace with well-designed sustainable urban initiatives abroad.
Ground Transport

Are Uber, Hailo, and Other Taxi Apps Going After a Big Enough Market?

Plenty has been written about the e-hail companies' battles with regulators and new economy versus old. But their biggest challenge will be running what's basically a Ticketmaster for rides when the barrier for entry -- and costs, too -- are lower for existing players.
Ground Transport

U.S. regulator says D.C. taxi rules may be too restrictive, sides with Uber

FTC has frowned upon restrictive taxicab regulations in Colorado and Alaska before and now it has shown its displeasure in high-profile DC market. This is a big moral win -- not an actual one, since FTC is in advisory capacity here for now -- for Uber and other such new companies.
Online Travel

Taxi e-hail apps officially legal in NYC, pilot program proceeds

The court’s decision marks the beginning of a long process before e-hail apps are permanent part of city transportation; however, Bloomberg is now only a uniform taxi fleet away from bringing his taxi vision to fruition in NYC.