Articles tagged “smartphones”


The Mobile Travel Habits of Airline Passengers Worldwide

A simple user experience appears to be the most important factor in increasing mobile adoption. Although 90 percent of travelers say technology helps them when traveling, a deeper usability has yet to be reached.
Media and PR

Photo Startups Have a Bloat Problem: 319 Launched This year

The rise of the visual web means the rise of photo startups, many which are glorified features posing as full-fledged companies. Micro innovations become the flavor of the month, and new startups follow as VC money (mostly early stage angel and seed) keeps pouring in.
Online Travel

How Mobile Travel Apps Have Transformed the User Experience

How long will it be before we talk about travel websites as always having an essential, if limited place, in much the same way that we sometimes talk about print guidebooks? Smartphones with bigger screens, tablets of mini and maximum dimensions ... buckle your seatbelts.