Expedia Group believes its tech migration has been a success, and that other innovations could boost business. CEO Ariane Gorin touched on those topics and more at the recent Skift Global Forum.
Tripadvisor's challenge is that it is no big deal these days to see a static image of someone who wrote a hotel or experiences review. Many people are accustomed to scrolling TikTok instead.
The idea of starting with the community rather than tourist demand is an unusual strategy and will be tough to repeat elsewhere. But there's a lot of potential.
Executives speaking at this year's Skift Global Forum offered no shortage of opinions about the current state and future of the travel industry, and here are some of the most noteworthy comments.
Lex Haris, Sean O'Neill, Meghna Maharishi, Rashaad Jorden, Dawit Habtemariam, Justin Dawes | 6 months ago