Articles tagged “pilots”


The U.S. Airline Pilots Who Barely Make Minimum Wage

Market forces eventually will have to force improvements in regional airlines' pilot wages. And mainline airline partners are going to have to kick in some money for pilot training, and ensure that lowly paid regional pilots will find an easier path to the big payday at major airlines.

Touchscreens will be all over the cockpit of the future

The technology and safety issues may take a few years to figure out, but paperless cockpit is already becoming a reality with pilots adopting iPads, and full touchscreen minus the knobs will be coming in a few years, no doubt.

Air Berlin pilots plan strike with goal of matching competitors' wages

Opening Berlin’s airport won’t solve all of Air Berlin’s problems, but it could boost profits and allow the low-cost airline to launch new routes. Despite the airline and airport’s demise, Berlin has become one of the most popular European destination.

Are you ready for one-pilot long-haul flights?

Airline companies and the tech players understand how they can use technology to automate most of the flying processes, but is the public ready, from a safety perception perpective? Still a long way to go before we get an answer.