It’s not quite an equal comparison, but there’s been little correlation between the most-Instagrammed locations versus where tourists check into on Facebook or what destinations they’re searching on Google.
Online photographs could one day be the only way to experience global world wonders as Machu Picchu continues to crumble and the ice and snows of Mount Everest begins to melt away.
Similar panorama apps that opted to build on iOS have been rendered nearly obsolete with Apple's native app, but Teliport is now one of the most popular apps for Android users looking to snap a similar effect.
Apple will make several iOS apps obsolete if users decide that the iPhone 5's newest features like photo sharing and panoramic photos are more convenient to use and just as fun.
Want to collect a great image of every major monument in 30 countries? Have a contest where users can conveniently upload an image from their phone while capturing all the metadata associated with that image. Job done.
Skype definitely deserves a spot on your "packing list" because in addition to calling features, the latest updates make photo-sharing a lot easier for business or leisure travelers on the go.
London plans to avoid the mistakes of its predecessors by building temporary venues and breaking down new facilities into smaller buildings, but only time will tell the fate of the city's new vast parking lots.
This is just the type of data that motivates social travel startups to keep working on their project, but travelers have already found a space to broadcast their latest adventures and it has 800 million users.