Articles tagged “millennials”


New Research: Navigating New Opportunities for Meetings and Events in 2020

Meeting and event planners need to constantly restrategize as the industry steps into a new age of rapid innovation and digitalization. Otherwise, they risk being left behind amid today’s challenging economic climate and increasingly competitive market.

Comparing Millennial and Gen Z Traveler Trends 2019: New Skift Research

Millennials have already been in the travel industry’s spotlight for years, yet they still remain somewhat of a mystery. As they continue to gain spending power, their successor generation, Gen Z, is hot on their heels. Thinking about these generational cohorts as a global collective however, risks painting the picture with too broad a brush.
Business Travel

Meeting Planners Make Slow Progress Toward Sustainability

Reducing food waste and environmental impacts are proving to be difficult for meeting planners. The sector's antiquated way of doing business is holding up progress at a moment when widespread change is necessary.
Food and Drink

Quick Service Chains Win Big With Millennial Parents

Quick service restaurants strategically invest heavily in TV and digital advertising, in efforts to push cheaper value meals than competitors and new menu items. It's safe to say, given NPD Group's data, that the strategy has worked. The question is how much lower can prices go before companies start shooting themselves in the foot?
Business Travel

Adventure Travel Specialists Take Customers Beyond the Beach

Adventure travel is a booming niche that many agencies would be wise to take on. Given the trends for retirees to live longer and healthier lives and for millennials to search for unique experiences, this segment of the travel market is just getting started.