Articles tagged “marketing”


Interview: NYC & Company CEO on Selling an Iconic City

Dixon is taking an active role in convincing federal officials of tourism's economic importance -- an important step that's needed to keep New York on the top in terms of international arrivals, and improve the experience of anyone arriving in the U.S. from abroad.

Free Report: The Rise of Food Tourism

Driven by today’s intense social media activity around unique culinary experiences, destinations are developing local food-themed travel products and promotions to evolve their brand story.
Online Travel

TripAdvisor's New Math for Hotel Listings Brings Properties Cost Surprises

As the TripAdvisor Business Listings subscription business matures four years after launch, the company is getting more sophisticated and adopting a degree of performance-based pricing -- or at least pricing based on anticipated performance -- to its fee structure. Is it fair? It likely depends on how good that new algorithm is.