Everything about an all-business class, trans-Atlantic airline screams 2004, with the exception of the crow-funding bit. That, frankly, doesn't make us any more optimistic.
Hailo and Uber saw an easy opportunity to pick up new riders during the strike. Neither of them tweeted if they were involved in surge pricing, though.
London's boasts as the most popular city in the world are pre-mature, but an increase in arrivals is a bright sign for the city which welcomed fewer than expected arrivals after the 2012 Olympics.
ME Hotels is gaining a ton of worldwide publicity in travel and design media by commissioning celebrity architects to design the interiors of its new properties.
The Maldives protesters know more about making a social media splash than all the social media experts on tap to speak at World Travel Market. Perhaps they'll be invited next year to lead a seminar?
How do you push people to other parts of the country beyond the big gateway cities, and spread the economic benefit of travel more evenly? The London Plus tips are good ones, universally applicable.