Articles tagged “london”

Business Travel

Luxury Hotels Want to Make You Feel Culturally Relevant

Luxury is no longer defined by pristine interiors and personalized service but limited knowledge-based access, distinct cultural experiences, and curated, specific references. Luxury hotels opening the doors to those experiences set themselves apart for future generations of affluent travelers.

London Uses Mobile Gaming App to Help Tackle Overtourism

Many travelers are glued to their phones, so why not put them to even greater use? That's what London tourism officials are hoping to do but whether this will actually help disperse tourism throughout the city rather than generate revenue for already crowded attractions remains to be seen.

Cities Are Leveraging Their Cultural DNA to Connect With Travelers’ Passions

Singapore Tourism Board's new "Passion Made Possible" platform represents a pivotal shift in destination marketing taking place worldwide. Instead of telling travelers where they can go or what they can do, the new strategy is about inspiring people to imagine who they can be.