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Articles tagged “international travel”


7 Questions for the U.S. State Department Official Out to Fix the Visa Delays Mess

Travel executives have taken the U.S. government to task for not remedying more quickly the delay in processing travel visas that they say is costing the U.S. travel industry in big ways. We went to the top government official working on this. She says efforts are now producing real results, and asks for patience.

7 Questions for the U.S. State Department Official Out to Fix the Visa Delays Mess

News Blog

International Travel Volume to U.S. Rose 61 Percent to Over 4 Million in November

The number of international visitors to the U.S. reached 4.6 million in November, up 61 percent year over year, according to the National Travel and Tourism Office. November’s volume represented 76 percent of pre-pandemic November 2019’s. Last month, the National Travel and Tourism Office reported international visitor spending rose 57 percent year over year to…

News Blog

U.S. Visa Delays Sees Some Reduction

Global average wait times for U.S. visitor visas dropped below 150 days in January for the first time since 2021, according to the U.S. Travel Association. They still, however, remain higher than 400 days for India, Brazil, Mexico and top inbound visa-requiring markets (excluding China). In 2022, aspiring tourists from the top ten inbound countries…

News Blog

Europe, Middle East to Reach Pre-Pandemic Tourism Levels in 2023: UNWTO

Both the Middle East and Europe are on track to reach their pre-pandemic levels in 2023 , according to the UN World Tourism Organization. Last year saw a stronger than expected recovery for the global tourism economy. In 2022, more than 900 million tourists traveled internationally, double from 2021 but 63 percent of 2019 levels.…


What Will a New U.S. Tourism Czar Actually Do?

Not having a senior-level tourism official has cost the U.S. travel industry billions of dollars and millions of visitors. This new assistant secretary of travel and tourism will be responsible for making up for those many lost opportunities.

What Will a New U.S. Tourism Czar Actually Do?

News Blog

Spending by International Visitors to U.S. Rises 57 Percent to $16 Billion 

International visitors spent $15.9 billion on travel to, and tourism-related activities within, the U.S. in November, up 57 percent year over year, according to the National Travel and Tourism Office.  That's an improvement from November 2021, but it's billions of dollars down from international visitor spending in pre-pandemic November 2019, which had $20 billion. From…

Travel Technology

Travelport CEO Talks Recovery Outlook and Tech Investment in 2023

If the industry waits for segments like business travel to fully recover, it could be waiting forever. That’s one reason why Travelport and its competitors should continue investing in tech and expanding offerings.

Travelport CEO Talks Recovery Outlook and Tech Investment in 2023

News Blog

International Travelers to U.S. Spent $16 Billion in October, a New Recent High

International inbound visitors spent more than $15.8 billion on travel to, and tourism-related activities within, the United States in October, making it the highest monthly level of spending since Covid struck in February 2020, according to the National Travel and Tourism Office.  Year to date international travel spending has accumulated to $129.9 billion, up more…

News Blog

U.S. Travel Launches Website Spotlighting Visa Delay Damage

The U.S. Travel Association has launched a website to highlight the negative impact of long visitor visa interview wait times—which now exceed an average of 400 days—is having on global travelers and U.S. businesses. Called, the website lists stories of those affected, loss in industry spending, visitor wait times, impacted markets and a policy…

News Blog

U.S. International Inbound Travel Won’t Fully Recover Until 2025

International inbound travel to the U.S. is projected to be at 63 percent and 75 percent of its pre-pandemic volume in 2022 and 2023, respectively, according to the U.S. Travel Association's biannual forecast. At this rate, international travel won't reach pre-pandemic levels until 2025. The projected slump is worse than USTA's June forecast of international…