Articles tagged “canada”


Canada to Lift Restrictions for Fully Vaccinated U.S. Travelers From August 9

The decision by Canada to open its border to fully vaccinated U.S. visitors is a massive boost for the country's economy. While businesses in Canada have lost billions of dollars due to the absence of U.S. customers, the reopening's timing in early August allows them to salvage something from the summer.

Canada's Indigenous Tourism Branding Serves as Model for the Americas

At a time when travel demand for inclusion is on the rise — not to mention a global reckoning on racial equity — the Canadian government’s neglect of its once-robust indigenous tourism sector is clearly short-sighted. Will a new campaign find Canadians heeding a different call instead this summer?

Time to Reopen U.S.-Canada Border, Say Travel and Government Leaders

Lawmakers and travel leaders are urging the broader travel industry to make their voices heard: this U.S.-Canada land border closure must end now. The consequences have been dire for tourism, particularly in Canada where there's been zero recovery since last year's shutdown.