Articles tagged “avis”

Ground Transport

Avis and Hertz Chart Their Futures After Yet Another Comeback

Car rental companies are looking to become transportation networking companies like Uber and Lyft, while also renting cars to drivers of those ridesharing services. But first, they need to bring their core business back on track.
Ground Transport

Avis' Misplaced Optimism in Europe Muddles Car Rental Recovery

Car rental companies are preparing for the future of mobility, even as their recovery continues to be a slow process. Renting a car remains mostly annoying but the experience will improve soon thanks to apps and more customer-centric design.

Here Are the Travel Companies That Have Cut Ties With the NRA

We're having a moment. In the wake of the Florida school shooting, travel companies are abandoning the National Rifle Association and its assault rifle advocacy. History would tell us that no substantial reforms will come out of this. But perhaps student and corporate pressure will make things different this time.
Ground Transport

Car Rental Companies Have Too Many Vehicles and Not Enough Customers

Car rental giants are working to reduce fleet size following a period of reduced demand. But as ridesharing continues to grow in popularity on a global scale, these companies need to get creative about what the future of on-demand transportation really looks like.