Articles tagged “atl”
20 Top Airports for International Travel to and From the U.S.
Simply put, the increased traffic is a healthy sign for both inbound and outbound tourism activity in the U.S.
Airports Are the Most Frequently Checked Into U.S. Places on Foursquare
Travel activities make up a significant portion of social sharing, creating vast opportunities for companies to engage customers before, during, and after a trip.
Atlanta's airport once again tops list of busiest U.S. airports
The American and US Air merger will likely alter the game in Dallas and Charlotte, and create much more fluid lists in 2013 and 2014.
America's largest airports were first farms, golf courses and race tracks
While some people feel that U.S. airports are like aging dinosaurs, it turns out that some of these creatures may have eons ago roamed the lands where airports were eventually built.
Atlanta's airport is still the world's busiest as 2012 traffic sets a new record
Despite it's massive size and traffic, Atlanta still manages to move passengers through with minimal fuss and a fraction of the hassles you find at New York-JFK, Chicago-O'Hare, or LAX.