Airbnb News

What started as has grown into a massive public company that IPOd in 2020. Airbnb is now the world's largest online alternative-accommodation community, allowing millions of users to list, search, and rent authentic homestays and vacation-rental experiences in countless cities across the globe.


Airbnb's Growth Doesn't Scare Priceline at All

Airbnb, with its roughly $24.5 billion valuation, would likely be too big for most of the online travel agencies to acquire but if they are forced to enter the sharing economy in a bigger way several years from now they always have the resources to buy their way in.

What's an Airbnb Listing Worth in 2015?

Airbnb's capability for growth is much greater than any traditional hotel chain but it can also disappear faster than you can type "enforcement of municipal zoning and/or condo board rules."
Media and PR

Best Travel Ads this Week: Father's Day Pride

June is an opportune time for travel brands to celebrate the role of fathers and milestones of same-sex marriages, but they need to be careful not to exploit the occasion and the movement.

HomeAway CEO to Rivals: This Isn't as Easy as You Think

Vacation rental owners can be a set-in-their-ways bunch. HomeAway's Sharples expects there to be resistance to Airbnb's efforts to break into vacation rentals in a big way. On the other hand, some vacation rental owners aren't happy with the mandate for online bookings, either.