Airbnb News

What started as has grown into a massive public company that IPOd in 2020. Airbnb is now the world's largest online alternative-accommodation community, allowing millions of users to list, search, and rent authentic homestays and vacation-rental experiences in countless cities across the globe.

Short-Term Rentals

When an Airbnb Moves In Next Door, It's Neighbor vs. Neighbor

According to Airbnb lore, the short-term rental was born in 2007 when, “two hosts welcomed three guests to their San Francisco home.” Fast forward 17 years and Airbnb now has over 5 million hosts … and most all of them have neighbors. That’s led to some epic feuds.

Airbnb Ups Its Experience Delistings Amid Strategy Revamp

Airbnb appeared to have begun a wave of delistings for its travel experiences offerings, upsetting some operators. However, Airbnb has made it clear that it remains committed to the experiences business, with plans to boost customer awareness of the category.