Articles tagged “a4a”

Airline Weekly

A Thanksgiving Week of Travel

Thanksgiving travel in the U.S. is back, said Airlines for America President and CEO Nicholas Calio. But while it may be as busy as it was three years ago, it will also be different as more people take blended trips and make it a Thanksgiving week.

A Thanksgiving Week of Travel


Congress Considers Stricter Measures for Unruly Flyers After Hearing Tales of Abuse

Make airlines share information about banned and abusive flyers more readily. That was one suggestion to come out a Congressional hearing this week. And stop airport bars from selling booze in to-go cups.

Congress Considers Stricter Measures for Unruly Flyers After Hearing Tales of Abuse


Flyers With Disabilities Will Get Support From New Airlines Industry Group

The pandemic has magnified the voices of accessibility organizations and the disparities for travelers with disabilities. Accessibility to travel and undamaged personal mobility aids are big concerns for these travelers who account for billions of dollars in revenue. Finally, the industry is trying to do the right thing, or so it seems.

Flyers With Disabilities Will Get Support From New Airlines Industry Group


Airlines Ask Justice Department to Prosecute Unruly Flyers to Send Stronger Message

Incidents of unruly passengers aloft continue to rise despite stepped up enforcement and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines levied. Criminal charges and prison time could be next if airlines and unions get their way.

Airlines Ask Justice Department to Prosecute Unruly Flyers to Send Stronger Message


Health Officials Hold Off Endorsing Travel for Fully Vaccinated Americans

The CDC has released its first guidelines for Americans who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 but stopped short of removing warnings against travel. However, it's not clear if the guidance will make much difference as more and more people book flights and hotels.

Health Officials Hold Off Endorsing Travel for Fully Vaccinated Americans


U.S. Airline Passenger Numbers Fall to 1985 Levels

It was back to the future for U.S. airlines in 2020 when passenger numbers fell to levels unseen since 1985. And while traffic will likely rebound some this year, the slow vaccine roll out and new Covid-19 strains have the outlook far from certain.

U.S. Airline Passenger Numbers Fall to 1985 Levels


Airlines Want All International Travelers Tested Before Flying to the U.S.

U.S. airlines support a CDC recommendation to mandate negative Covid-19 tests for all arriving international travelers. It's a bet many think will allow the industry to restart grounded flights and boost their moribund businesses.

Airlines Want All International Travelers Tested Before Flying to the U.S.


More Airline Worker Furloughs Likely Even With Additional Coronavirus Aid

Airlines promised that more payroll assistance would allow them to avoid dramatic staffing reductions. That relief is now here to the tune of $15 billion but it looks like the furloughs, while temporarily rolled back, are still coming.

More Airline Worker Furloughs Likely Even With Additional Coronavirus Aid


The Billions of Dollars Driving a Wedge Between U.S. Airlines and Airports

Improvements to aviation infrastructure are necessary if the U.S. plans to stay at the lead. It's simply a matter of who will pay.


The Battle Over Open Skies Forces U.S. Tourism Industry to Choose Sides

Ensuring adequate competition in airports large and small gives those airports more negotiating power against the big three national carriers, and could ensure adequate infrastructure for more visitors from abroad to spend their travel dollars in the US. This last is, after all, the mandate of organizations like the US Travel Association.

The Battle Over Open Skies Forces U.S. Tourism Industry to Choose Sides