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Japan’s bid for the 2020 summer games in numbers: $37 billion and 150,000 jobs

It's a three-way race between Tokyo, Istanbul, and Madrid, with the Turkish city the favorite, but Tokyo can make a compelling case that the games would be a good way to show support for its post-Tsunami development efforts.


Fly Georgia airline launches with service to Black Sea resort

It's tough enough launching an airline, but it's doubly hard to pull it off in a former Soviet republic with a feisty Russia looking over your shoulder.


Meet Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, France’s reluctant tourist magnet

Scenic villages across Europe have struggled for decades to keep their population numbers up, and until small industries return it's tourism that will keep them occupied.

Meet Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, France’s reluctant tourist magnet


The 24-year-old that’s going to ruin a hotel key card company’s week

Since one company is behind all the potentially hackable locks, finding a solution and implementing it shouldn't be a nightmare for anyone but them.


Could Republican convention in Tampa make it a convention city for the future?

The convention business in the U.S. is almost always a battle of local egos rather than smart planning about how to bring business to a city.


Hawaii’s tourism “is on a tear,” expected to expand state’s economy despite fiscal pressures

Strong dollars in Canada and Australia, as well as wealth in China and Korea, are turning a year of good inbound numbers from mainland U.S. into a stellar one for the islands.


Flight attendants at American Airlines consider updated contract offer

A "yes" vote by the FAs would put American in a better position to deal with both it's creditors and bids from US Airways.


Snacks on a plane! Five airlines with the best food that pocket change can buy

Air France takes the cake for serving (free!) champagne, but most airlines do actually offer name brands and allergen-free snacks... just expect to pay for anything more filling than coffee and chips.


Global cycling coalition that bothers most of the globe’s cyclists arrested at Olympics

Critical Mass cyclists stood up for the rights of bicycle riders when nobody else would, but for years now they've been behaving like Teamsters on a bad hair day. What's so wrong about putting off your your post-posh-job workout until after the games?


Uncertainty over American Airline’s future creates instability for Chicago-O’Hare’s bonds

O'Hare is busy, but it's status at the bottom of on-time arrival and departure stats points to its unreliability compared with its busy airport peers.


Crowds in London respond to opening ceremony finale with rendition of “Hey, Jude”

Early reports out of London point to resounding success on opening night, despite months of setbacks and some wonderful governmental blunders. Is Romney to thank for uniting them around a common enemy?