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US Airways passengers can change flights today without a fee

Waiving fees is a courtesy to flyers and the airline staff that deal with them as thousands of flights continued to be cancelled across the country.

US Airways passengers can change flights today without a fee

Media and PR

The Guardian’s worst travel ideas of 2012: Wearable luggage, royal fever and dog holidays

Skift is incredibly disappointed we didn't know about campbling, for it would have most certainly been included on our lamest trends of 2012 list.

The Guardian’s worst travel ideas of 2012: Wearable luggage, royal fever and dog holidays


Chinese tourists ride to the rescue of faltering Australian tourism

Everyone wants a Chinese tourist, and Australia's working hard to make sure it gets its fair share as other traditional inbound markets stagnate.

Chinese tourists ride to the rescue of faltering Australian tourism


Experts say it’s harder than ever to compare the true cost of airline tickets

While it is true that fees make it tough to compare true costs, be wary of the global distribution systems and their backers pushing themselves as the solution to the problem.

Experts say it’s harder than ever to compare the true cost of airline tickets


The fall of Niagara Falls: Will it ever rise again?

The controversial plan to revive a fallen American/Canadian icon can't make it worse than the U.S. state the city, soon to be a town, is in.

The fall of Niagara Falls: Will it ever rise again?


Air travel today looks fantastic when compared to the options available in 1800

Perhaps showing a quick comparison of how long it would take flyers to arrive at a destination on the back of a horse and buggy would help quell complaints from economy passengers.

Air travel today looks fantastic when compared to the options available in 1800


Jetstar Airways is posed to outshine parent Qantas with more international passengers

The situation reflects a growing trend in which a low-cost carrier outcompetes larger, more traditional airlines that once ruled the market. But in this case, Qantas Group wins no matter who’s in the lead.

Jetstar Airways is posed to outshine parent Qantas with more international passengers


Fiscal cliff uncertainties make forecasting Carnival Corporaton’s guidance a choppy endeavor

If the U.S. economy plunges over the fiscal cliff and consumer confidence ebbs, then Carnival Corp. may have to do a quick rewrite of the cruise company's financial guidance.

Fiscal cliff uncertainties make forecasting Carnival Corporaton’s guidance a choppy endeavor


The Asian gaming boom continues as Manila prepares for its share

As the world's newly fabulously rich figure out ways to spend their money, Philippines races to join Macau and Singapore among the ranks of Asia's top gaming destinations.


Egypt’s once-thriving tourism industry continues to stumble amidst political instability

Although tourism improved over 2012, the threat of uprisings and protests coupled with the possibility of regulations limiting usual holiday activities has pushed Egypt to bottom of most travelers’ to-go lists.

Egypt’s once-thriving tourism industry continues to stumble amidst political instability


United raises lounge memberships rates for individuals and couples

United plans on hitting up its loyal customer an additional amount for airport lounge access in 2013. The squeeze is on.