Ground Transport
Your news hub for all things ground transport, including coverage of passenger trains, rental cars, ride-sharing companies, and local transit.
Ground Transport
Europe's Rail Sector Could Fail as a Greener Travel Option Due to Its Outdated Tech
Rising interest in intercity train travel has been amplified by new European incentives that favor greener forms of travel, plus deregulation. But rail operators are hampered by their old IT systems, which aren't ready to sell to international travelers in the Google era.
Ground Transport
How the Pandemic Derailed Amtrak From Its Hopeful Path to First-Time Profits
Amtrak had been on track to notch its first operating profit in its 50 years. But the not-so-novel-anymore coronavirus has dashed the hopes of the U.S. national passenger rail system. President-elect Joe Biden is a fan of Amtrak but might have limited options to ride to the rescue.