
Travel today is all about immersion. At Skift, we dive into how companies like Airbnb, Marriott, and Disney are redefining what it means to create memorable experiences for travelers.

Here, you’ll find stories about everything from Airbnb’s unique experiences and Viator’s handpicked activities to the latest in luxury travel that’s setting new standards.

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Virtual experiences are shaking things up, offering new ways to explore the world without leaving home. Whether it’s the cultural richness of Abu Dhabi or Disney’s latest attractions, we’re here to keep you informed on the trends that are driving the experiential travel landscape.

Check out the latest articles from Skift to stay in the loop on how the world of travel experiences is evolving.

Business Travel

Five Trends That Will Shape Experiential Travel in 2019

It might not be surprising to hear that rich experiences will continue to be high on the lists of travelers in 2019. But there are a few trends that will shape the types of experiences they’ll be looking for.
Business Travel

Credit Card Giant Chase Jumps Into Tours and Activities

Tours and activities partnerships like the one between Atlas Obscura and Chase seem like a win-win. Card companies acquire knowledge about trends in the sector, and what travelers are demanding. Meanwhile, tour operators get access to loyal consumers willing to shell out for the trip of a lifetime.

Tours and Experiences: The Next Great Untapped Market in Online Travel

Vacationers want to experience something new and are tired of the same old tours and activities. While global tour operators are baking more customization into their products, digital distribution is changing the way local operators do business.
Business Travel

Viator's Travel Agent Program Gets Mixed Reviews

The market for off-the-beaten-path tours and experiences has been heating up this year with the emergence of Airbnb’s Experiences. TripAdvisor, which emphasizes on-the-beaten path offerings, is putting a huge effort into trying to stay on top. Its new travel agent program is part of that effort.

Skift Forum Preview: TripAdvisor CEO Shrugs Off Advertising Slump as a Blip

Here's an unorthodox thought in business: TripAdvisor CEO Steve Kaufer knows that the company's value proposition for its customers can remain strong even when the financials face difficulties every once in a while. That's a truism that sometimes gets lost when pundits focus merely on stock price variations.

Windstar Cruises Makes Experiential Luxury Travel a Core Focus

Luxury travelers today want experiences that are high-touch, authentic, and meaningful. Windstar Cruises, which offers guests the chance to immerse themselves in the Alaskan wilderness, is making experiences such as these a priority.
Business Travel

New Skift Report: Balancing Purpose and Profit in the Travel Industry

Many travel brands assume that a commitment to doing good means the bottom line will take a hit. But based on a growing amount of evidence, it’s simply not true. Companies like Intrepid Travel are discovering that purpose-driven business goals can help their organizations become more innovative, resilient, authentic, and profitable.