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Coronavirus and Travel


Hilton CEO Says Business Could Be Impacted for Up to a Year From Coronavirus

Hilton and many other major hotel companies have had to close hundreds of hotels in China in response to the coronavirus. The outbreak could have long-lasting effects on the hotel industry, which has already been grappling with a slowing global economy and other geopolitical issues.

Hilton CEO Says Business Could Be Impacted for Up to a Year From Coronavirus


Singapore Slashes Visitor Arrival Estimates by a Third for 2020 as Coronavirus Tests Its Mettle

The growing number of coronavirus cases in Singapore has heightened worries about human-to-human transmission among travelers, but the government’s swift and clear response so far shows its ability to manage a crisis.

Singapore Slashes Visitor Arrival Estimates by a Third for 2020 as Coronavirus Tests Its Mettle


What Will Be the Blowback From China to Countries That Banned Its Travelers During Virus Outbreak? Group’s James Liang warned that countries that impose blanket bans on Chinese travelers will see a China tit-for-tat later. It may not happen, but here are some of the ways it could.

What Will Be the Blowback From China to Countries That Banned Its Travelers During Virus Outbreak?


Hong Kong Airlines Will Cut Jobs and Reduce Flights as Coronavirus Hits Travel

Hong Kong Airlines was in bad shape before anyone started protesting in Hong Kong. Now it must deal not only with fallout from the protests, but also panic from Coronavirus. It's hard to see how the airline recovers.


Finnair Predicts Coronavirus Will Have Limited Impact on Financials of Airlines

As long as the flight suspensions don't last too long, Finnair thinks the impact of the coronavirus outbreak should be fairly limited. The problem is at the moment no one knows exactly how quickly, or how easily, it will spread across the rest of Asia and possibly the world.

Finnair Predicts Coronavirus Will Have Limited Impact on Financials of Airlines


Tough Times Offer Asia Tourism Opportunity to Reassess

The coronavirus ban has plunged Asia tourism into a challenging period, but the outlook needs not be bleak if industry players take the opportunity to reduce their reliance on a single market.

Tough Times Offer Asia Tourism Opportunity to Reassess

Business Travel

Travel Advisors Scramble as Coronavirus Rattles Clients

As the coronavirus spreads, so are concerns among travelers. Travel advisors are feeling the effects, coping with cancellations, and providing reassurance to nervous clients.

Travel Advisors Scramble as Coronavirus Rattles Clients


U.S. Travel Association Unveils 10-Year Agenda at a Turbulent Time for Travel

U.S. Travel is entering a new decade, and the trade group seems to be aware that maintaining growth for the next 10 years will require that it asserts itself politically more than ever before.

U.S. Travel Association Unveils 10-Year Agenda at a Turbulent Time for Travel


$4 Billion Loss From Coronavirus Is Indonesia Tourism’s Worst-Case Scenario

It's still unknown how long flights in the Asia-Pacific region will be disrupted by coronavirus, but the longer it goes on, the more tourism industries like Indonesia's will suffer.

$4 Billion Loss From Coronavirus Is Indonesia Tourism’s Worst-Case Scenario


Royal Caribbean Plays It Extra Safe With Coronavirus Contingency Plan

At this stage it's difficult to tell how long the coronavirus outbreak will last and how far it will spread. For now Royal Caribbean is acting with extreme caution in China.

Royal Caribbean Plays It Extra Safe With Coronavirus Contingency Plan