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Business Travel News

These articles explore key aspects of the industry, including travel buyers, distribution, duty of care, and loyalty programs, providing valuable insights for stakeholders and decision-makers. Travel buyers will find relevant information on the latest procurement strategies, negotiation tactics, and supplier relations, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their travel programs. In the realm of distribution, the archive covers the evolving landscape of booking channels, global distribution systems (GDS), and direct connects, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in this area. The archive also delves into the critical issue of duty of care, emphasizing the importance of traveler safety, risk management, and compliance with ever-changing regulations. Learn also how companies are leveraging loyalty programs to enhance traveler satisfaction, drive cost savings, and foster long-term relationships with suppliers.


Etihad introduces its loyalty program for businesses with frequent flyers in Indonesia

This is a timely launch in Indonesia where an improved economy boosted business travel by 54 percent during the first half of 2012.

Etihad introduces its loyalty program for businesses with frequent flyers in Indonesia

Business Travel

NTSB drops Blackberry and switches to iPhone 5 contract

Despite the hoopla of recent days about the upcoming Blackberry 10, the NTSB, citing reliability concerns, isn't sticking around to see whether RIM has life.

NTSB drops Blackberry and switches to iPhone 5 contract


Airlines are ditching first class for expanded business class service

Considering the competitive market in fractional jet ownership and the battle among airlines to improve business-class service, It's difficult for traditional first class to figure out its place in the travel ecosphere.

Business Travel

How international business travelers spend Thanksgiving on the road

The rise of singles worldwide as an economic force manifests itself in many ways, like high end hotels catering to wealthy solo business travelers.

How international business travelers spend Thanksgiving on the road

Business Travel

Jetlag-busting sunglasses to the rescue of weary business travelers, silly looks for free

Awkward looks aside, "curing" jetlag is a huge and growing industry in this globally connected world. Likely the design will get less goofy.

Jetlag-busting sunglasses to the rescue of weary business travelers, silly looks for free


Why is it taking U.S. airlines so long to offer in-flight Wi-Fi?

Airlines juggle a commitment to outfitting their jets with Wi-Fi alongside bankruptcy, remaining profitable, and finding time to take aircraft off the runway. The process is slow, but Wi-Fi will eventually be ubiquitous on airlines used by business travelers.

Why is it taking U.S. airlines so long to offer in-flight Wi-Fi?

Business Travel

How business travelers excel at keeping devices charged with no outlet in sight

New devices are constantly being marketed to help travelers stay connected, but seasoned road warriors found a surprising utility for the tools when Hurricane Sandy blacked out the east coast.

How business travelers excel at keeping devices charged with no outlet in sight

Business Travel

The U.S. travel industry will fall alongside the economy should it head off the “fiscal cliff”

Spending on business travel will initially drop by $20 billion if the U.S. enters a recession, but could bounce back from lower interest rates and reduced deficits over the long run.


Virgin Atlantic says its redesigned business class lounge at Newark resembles a SoHo boutique

Virgin excels at design inside its aircraft and in the airport. Now if it could only design its balance sheets with the same flair.

Virgin Atlantic says its redesigned business class lounge at Newark resembles a SoHo boutique

Business Travel

Britons spent more money abroad this summer, but stayed closer to home

The last minute rush by Brits to cram in a vacation before it was too late this year led to shorter trips and the willingness to spend more before the season was complete.