Wouter Geerts


Americas and Europe Give Airlines Biggest Boost: New Skift Recovery Index

There is still some weakness in the recovery of the airline sector, particularly in flight search levels and the pricing power of airlines. However, data from the Skift Recovery Index shows that flight bookings and capacity are making major strides toward pre-pandemic levels.
Travel Technology

Demystifying Hotel Tech Through New Data Dashboards From Skift Research

The Hotel Tech Benchmark dashboards and reports respond to a dire need from hoteliers, tech vendors, and investors alike. Understanding the makeup of hotel tech categories, and identifying growth opportunities, will help the industry drive its move towards digitization.

Why Hotels Need to Make Payment Tech a Priority: New Skift Research

Most hoteliers would rather not think about their payment tech, as long as it works. But payment habits are changing, and so is payment tech. Hoteliers — and hotel tech vendors and investors — will want to be on top of these changes, especially now that revenues are suppressed.