Colin Nagy


Africa's Wildlife Champion Fights Poachers Seizing on Covid Tourism Drop

Alina Peter is on the frontlines fighting the rise of poaching in Africa. Here, she shares how she works, the situation on the ground, and why it's important to weave science, indigenous knowledge, and technical expertise to derail the growing commercialization of illicit poaching, all of which has deep implications for tourism.

Why the African Travel Ban Is Misguided

The African travel ban is rooted in media alarmism and politics, not science. And it will have disastrous consequences for a continent that has already been beaten down by Covid. Here's why it is just plain wrong.

Doha Quickly Comes of Age Ahead of World Cup 2022

The World Cup is a forcing factor for an incredible amount of change in a short time for Doha. Qatar has succeeded in opening up a bit, bringing culture and hospitality front and center, and drawing from interesting global references. But as the country careens toward its deadline, it also needs to make sure the customer experience of getting into the country is up to standard.

The New Wellness Imperative for Long-Haul Travel

It's time to recognize long-haul travel for what it is: an endurance event. For those making the trip instead of the Zoom, there are new imperatives that premium brands need to serve up to cater to these travelers. Hint: it doesn't look like the luxury of the past.

What My Border Crossings During the Pandemic Tell Us About Tech and Travel

What is required for the new normal of crossing borders while living with Covid is government coordination, user experience, simplicity, and accessibility when it comes to registering and sharing data. The best countries with the smartest, most streamlined approaches will win out.

The Dawn of the Untethered Frequent Flier

With business travel down, is there a future where we see a surge in free agents untethered to loyalty plans? This might be on the horizon for certain segments.

Why Price-Gouging at Luxury Hotels Could Backfire

There's a danger in the surging average daily rates as travel takes off: Luxury hotels don't have the staff or the ability to live up to inflated rates. This presents a long-term danger to carefully cultivated brands.