Priceline CEO argues its purchase of Kayak will make it less dependent on Google

Skift Take

Kayak for Priceline in some ways is like TripAdvisor for Expedia, although Priceline is eager to acquire Kayak, and has no intent on buying it in order to spin it out, as Expedia did with TripAdvisor.
Priceline's pending $1.8 billion acquisition of Kayak amounts, in part, to some Google insurance for Priceline. Priceline is one of Google's largest search engine marketing customers, and Priceline CEO Jeffery Boyd, speaking at the PhoCusWright conference November 15, stated the obvious when he pointed out that Google is a "very important" channel to the online travel agency. In fact, Priceline shelled out $375.2 million for online advertising in the third quarter, and another $52.9 mil