Best Travel Television Shows to Stream This Holiday Season

Skift Take

2016 has officially overstayed its welcome, so we're just going to run out the clock bingeing these travel shows. Bring on the escapist reality TV and rigorous schadenfreude, just as soon as we make it through airport security.
We already know you’re going to spend most of this holiday season streaming travel shows. How else will you spend your delay at the airport, dodge political fights at the family table, and generally recuperate from a horrific 2016? Since it’s inevitable, here are the travel shows we think are worth bingeing. The Amazing Race This senior citizen of a show will enter its 29th season in the spring and it’s still great entertainment. Somehow, against all odds, it thrives on the absolute worst parts of travel: the exhausting logistics of sprinting from point A to point B under threat of deportation while hemorrhaging money, burdened with a giant backpack, probably illiterate in the local language. Yet there’s something wonderful about watching them dash through Rio in peak afternoon heat, knowing you’ll probably never have to do that yourself. Sort of like watching The Biggest Loser while eating red v