A crack in the armor? Priceline's stock-price drop to below the $1,000 per share threshold is connected to European currency woes and is largely symbolic. It doesn't signal the immediate prospect for a prolonged decline.
The United States is just one of many countries whose tourism economies have taken off after the global recession with reduced visa requirements and marketing campaign to help.
When even destinations are telling visitors to put down the technology, it must mean that most are missing out on authentic experiences by seeing it through a lens of their phone or preconceived notions.
Cuba was once the darling of the Caribbean for U.S. tourists and businesses alike. Popular flights to Cuba contributed to the growth of our favorite legacy airlines. This new progressive strategy by the U.S., while nascent, holds great promise for the aviation market and beyond.
Consumer advocates fought hard to get this tarmac delay rule in place. The airlines bitterly fought the rule and predicted the sky would fall if the tarmac delay rule went into effect. You can be sure that Southwest will ensure that it has adequate ramp staff on the job the next time one of these big snowstorms comes around.
Focus, such as Booking.com's sole attention to lodging, has frequently been a winner in online travel. Booking Now's focus on last-minute bookings, instead of trying to be all things to all people in a multipurpose app, may produce substantial gains.