7 Aviation Trends We're Tracking at Skift This Week

Skift Take
Every week we post hundreds of stories across various sectors in travel, connecting the dots across various global trends, and in these weekend posts we highlight the stories that tackle these trends. This one looks at top aviation trends.
For all of our trends roundups, go here.
>>Open Skies issue in the U.S.? Hogan will deal with it, whatever comes. No big deal: Interview: Etihad CEO Downplays Rivals’ Complaints to Focus on the ‘Long Game’
>>Let’s hope that Tyler’s future replacement–whoever she or he might be–will share views on gender diversity: Airlines Need More Women at the Top Says IATA Boss
>>Airlines are getting better at managing themselves as businesses: Airlines Are Less Poor Than Before But Still Poorer Than Chipotle, Says IATA
>>Gogo is trying to keep up with upstarts and meet flyers’ nearly insatiable demands for in-flight connectivity: Video: Gogo’s CEO on the Digital Preferences of Passengers
>>Legacy carriers will quickly learn that even when consumers pay rock-bottom fares they expect better things: No-Frills Fares to Expand to American And United Airlines
>>Day knows her terminals can compete on a global level: Video: Building the Airport of the Future
>>Southwest will find it difficult to maintain any low-fare advantage that it still has: Southwest CEO on How a Maturing Airline Can Keep Its Competitive Mojo