Holiday Travel Videos and More Best Travel Ads of the Week
Skift Take
Tis the season...for travel brands to connect with the holiday spirit in different parts of the world.
Brands, be it a destination, hotel, or airline, help to usher in season’s greetings with smart videos showcase all the buzzing activity they have to offer this time of year.
For all of our SkiftAds of the week, view our travel ads archives here.
Visit Belfast
It’s not only about the joy of Christmas in Visit Belfast’s video - it’s about the joy of Belfast and its multitude of offerings for yuletide cheer. Belfast sells itself as the ultimate destination come Christmas, with stores and markets and endless opportunities to share the joy with family and friends.
Amtrak circles in on what the season is all about: connecting with loved ones, and Amtrak has the ticket to bring loved ones together to celebrate the holiday season.
Visit Scotland
Scotland puts you in the Christmas spirit, highlighting all the events and activities the country has to offer, from its festive foods to its parades.
Others get right down to business, like this video by, which uses a bit of humor to capitalize on the gift-buying season with the simplicity of going online and getting a gift card.
In the spirit of giving, Priceline catches viewers’ attention with this ad and entices them to download the app for a gift.
Even Skype got in on the fun with this upbeat jingle and quirky Christmas tree.