The needs of the modern business traveler are changing. As efficiency and healthy living have become top priorities, travel brands would be smart to listen to the evolving desires of road warriors in order to win more business and build better loyalty. Download this trend report for FREE!
After seeing the product first hand, we can say that in this case pictures paint insufficient words. We could write many more, but to keep it simple: The perks and extras are bound to encourage plenty of repeat customers.
How soon will it be before U.S. regulators take up the issue of the pricing control wielded by the four largest U.S. airlines? On the other hand, the U.S. Department of Justice helped to create this mess.
Many travelers want to feel like their trips were designed just for them and there very well could be a market for startups looking to help hotels and destinations fulfill travelers' wish lists.
Aimed at travel strategists, marketers and technologists, Skift Trends Reports provide you with in-depth trends analysis on all sectors the travel industry. Subscribe today.
It takes guts for a destination marketing organization to announce to the world that its state governor is a political opportunist trying to take down tourism for his own political benefit. Brave and smart move by New Orleans.
Airbnb has spawned an ecosystem of startups offering ancillary services, but Handy has a leg up on its competition with a brand and customer base already built up around the country.
Airlines' most creative content marketing efforts are coming through in their in-flight safety videos, which are as popular online as their on actual planes. They now need to take this creativity to other aspects of their marketing strategy.