Anthony Bourdain’s ‘Parts Unknown’ Episode 3 Recap: City Boy in the West

Skift Take

Bourdain's insights on the relationship between food, culture, and politics hit close to home for many viewers Sunday. It's his ability to observe a destination with the same degree of truth and humor in Israel as in the U.S. that makes Parts Unknown such a rarity.
Sunday night was a big night for New Mexico. We don't know if it was clever planning or coincidence that Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown aired an episode on New Mexico at the same time Breaking Bad ended its series in Albuquerque. Regardless, Bourdain gave viewers a very real look at what New Mexico is today, and why most Americans can probably relate to some parts of its culture. He also uses the episode to juxtapose the very distinct culture of New York City with the rest of America. Red or Green? That's the state q