Skift Take

Spirit Airlines' only real forte is turning political gaffes and buzz into overnight marketing successes. It's helped the airline attract new customers despite its despicable service.

Spirit Airlines is at it again, turning political news into amusing and cringeworthy sales.

Playing off Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) 21-hour filibuster on Wednesday, the airline released a new ad with the slogan: “Cruz your way into savings with Spirit’s Filibuster Sale!”

Spirit sent an email to flyers using a play on the senator’s last name. The airline writes to passenger, “We won’t stop talking, till you start saving! All we care about is saving you money so you can get going to great destinations.”

The ad included other quotes including “Forget about healthcare reform, what about airfare reform?” and “Blah blah healthcare reform.”

The ultra low-cost carrier is notorious for quickly capitalizing on buzzworthy political events.

Spirit twice created sales inspired by Anthony Weiner’s sexting habit. It’s also created sales based around Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women” comment and politician Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax reform plan.

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Tags: marketing, spirit airlines

Photo credit: Spirit Airlines turns Senator Ted Cruz's 21-hour filibuster into a sale. Spirit Airlines / Spirit Airlines

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