Anthony Bourdain's 'Parts Unknown' Episode 2 Recap: Living the Dream in Spain

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Viewers are a fly on the wall of Bourdain's visit with an old friend in Spain. Surprisingly, he skips over any questions of Spain's hurting economy and instead focuses on the beauty of a lifestyle that seems rare today.
Anthony Bourdain reveled in the relaxed lifestyle of southern Spain in this week's episode of Parts Unknown. Viewers saw Bourdain visit long-time friend, work partner, and Emmy award-winning cinematographer Zach Zamboni during Semana Santa, or Holy Week, in Granada. Zamboni's fiancé and her family show Bourdain the ordinary, envy-inducing lifestyle that his friend has adopted. The duo start their delicious, mouth-watering exploration of Andalusia with a bull fight. As if the producers want to pick a fight with animal rights activists, the cameras do not shy away when the matador kills the bull with a sin