Skift Take

Kudos to Triposo for not looking to social travel or spammy apps built atop Facebook for the future of their digital travel guides. But a vibrating belt telling you where to go may take the whole "think outside the box" concept way too far outside the box.

Earlier today and not on April 1, tech blog GigaOM covered the new Indiegogo campaign of travel guide company Triposo. The campaign seeks to raise $10,000 for a Travel Belt, which the company describes asĀ “the most inconspicuous piece of wearable tech.”

As described on the Indiegogo site and in the video, the belt works with Triposo’s Android and iOS guide apps to direct users to their destinations via a series of notifications delivered through buzzes in the wearer’s belt. Looking for the Louvre? That buzzing feeling on your right side is telling you to turn right. Can’t find the Empire State building? That’s not a stranger poking you beneath your belly button.

Skift reached out to Triposo with the question “really?” to which Richard Osinga, Triposo COO said “It’s real.”

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Tags: apps, guides

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