Skift Take

Hilton’s partnership with The Onion is smart for two reasons. The first being that Hilton could never be this funny on its own, and site will now be shared among The Onion’s millions of followers.

Hitlon Hotels and Resorts, the flagship brand of Hilton Worldwide, has joined forces with The Onion, the satirical news Web site, to attract leisure travelers to its hotels, following in the footsteps of other advertisers who are using humor to lure younger customers.

Onion Labs, the creative services arm of the publishing company, has helped Hilton Hotels and Resorts create a Web site,, that lets users diagnose their vacation needs and receive customized prescriptions for visits to Hilton hotels to cure what ails them.

To that end, the Web site, called the “Hilton Urgent Vacation Care Center,” asks visitors to take a quiz to receive their “vacation diagnosis.” Visitors are asked when they last took a vacation and how long it was; during which activities, such as a child’s birth or a first date, they check their office e-mail; how long their commute is; and which activity they “look forward to most if/when” they take a vacation.

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Tags: hilton, vacations

Photo credit: Hilton's Vacation Care Center diagnoses employees with "replyallgia." Screenshot / Vacation Care Center

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