How US Airway’s Charlotte hub became one of the most successful airports in the country

Skift Take
With creditors in the American bankruptcy case apparently in the late stages of evaluating a merger, many in the airline industry except US Airways and American to combine early in the coming year. That would make Charlotte the second biggest hub for the world's largest airline.
But even without a merger, Charlotte is growing. Next year, non-stop service to London Heathrow will begin March 30...On May 5, Charlotte-Sao Paulo, Brazil service will begin... US Airways has said that a merger would mean about 50 additional daily departures, as it would push more passengers through Charlotte.
Throughout the year, Charlotte's operational performance was strong. Pope ticked off metrics including a best-ever, 11-month 68.1% rate for aircraft departing by D-0, or exactly as scheduled; a best-ever 79.2% for aircraft arriving on time, and a best-ever 73.4% rate for successful aircraft turn times, as measured against a base of how long it ought to take.