Gogobot spawned social travel and conquered it, according to Gogobot
Skift Take
Gogobot has attracted a lot of funding and appears to have some staying power, but when was the last time you or your neighbor used a social trip-planning service to plan a trip? Unitl Gogobot can really walk the walk, a dose of modesty might be in order.
Gogobot spawned social travel, conquered the competition, and now is dictating how TripAdvisor develops its own social features.
That analysis comes from Gogobot, of course.
In fact, according to Gogobot co-founder and CEO Travis Katz, Gogobot now dictates TripAdvisor's development roadmap for social features, and TripAdvisor, with its $5 billion market cap, has recently "gotten faster at copying" Gogobot's innovations.
Katz shared his analysis a