Rick Steves' wants voters in Washington State to know what he knows about marijuana

Skift Take

Behind Steves' middle-America explorer facade lies not only a political progressive, but smart business sense that may make his Euro-centric guide business the last man standing when the guidebook shakeout concludes.
Travel guru Rick Steves spoke to full house at the Vancouver Community Library Friday night in favor of I-502, an initiative to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana. The crowd was calmer than the one he met earlier in the day at the state's capitol building. According to the Capital Record, those opposing the initiative tried to drown out Steves and other speakers. With more than 100 people in attendance at the library, Steves, who has donated $350,000 to the campaign, outlined why he's a proponent of the initiative. Steves said marijuana use is highly stigmatized in the U.S., maki