The internal and external challenges that are slowing down Brand USA

Skift Take

An old boys' club mentality and careless spending practices won't cut it, if indeed the latest Congressional allegations about Brand USA are true. Meanwhile, it is premature to pass judgment on Brand USA's marketing efforts. That verdict will come when visitors' numbers come out next year.
Brand USA's motto is "Discover this land, like never before," but the year-and-a-half old public-private partnership to promote inbound tourism to the U.S. is under scrutiny like never before. The offspring of the 2010 Travel Promotion Act, the Corporation for Travel Promotion began operating as Brand USA in May 2011, and saw CEO Jim Evans step down after only a year, with the organization chalking it all up to startup pains. The group brought in an interim CEO, and now is in the process of transitioning to the leadership of Christopher Thompson, who heads Visit Florida, and will start at Brand USA on November 1. Meanwhile, Brand USA, which is subject to political haymakers and a reauthorization vote when its term expires toward the end of 2015, has been castigated by Senators for lavish spending, questionable in-kind contributions, cronyism, and a lack of accountability. [caption id="attachment_27761" align="alignright" width="385"] Brand USA's Discover America consumer site.[/caption] Brand USA, with board members appointed by the U.S. Commerce Department, can raise up to $200 million per year through private investment and matching contributions funded by a $14 tax on those visitors who enter the U.S. without needing visas. With an assist from advertising agency JWT, Brand USA's signature effort to date has been a tourism marketing campaign launched in May in the UK, Canada and Japan, replete with a "Land of Dreams" song from Rosanne Cash. In a preliminary report, released in September, Brand USA indicated