Ground Transport
Tesla's losses widen despite increase in car sales
Despite Tesla's fanboy outcry on sites like Reddit, the New York Times review will hurt sales of the car going forward as buyers realize they're paying tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of being Elon Musk's beta testers.
Online Travel
The entrepreneurs changing Madrid's streets one small business at a time
Spain doesn't have to be all gloom and doom. If this Monocle report has any real teeth its inspiring that long-unused spaces are being turned in to new opportunities.
Ground Transport
Why Tesla's electric cars have a long way to go -- if their charge makes it
Scathing may not be the perfect word to describe this review of Musk's electric supercar, but it's likely the most charitable way to describe it.
Online Travel
Rome2Rio wants more developers using its API so access is now free
Rome2Rio started as a consumer-facing travel search site, but shifted its focus to B2B partnerships in May 2012 by charging developers to use its API –- a plan that apparently didn't pan out as planned.
Business Travel
Car service startup Uber launches new perks program for business travelers
Uber highlights its “employer-friendly” management system that allows companies to award and deduct credits, but it will still be fellow startups, not major corporations, that sign on for the program at this point.
Online Travel
The local economic impact of the Super Bowl, as visualized by Square
The impact of a big event on a destination is always difficult to determine when there are so many gatekeepers between the data and the public. Square's openness helps people get at least a tiny, honest glimpse of what kind of money communities really make.
Ground Transport
Hailo taxi hail service's latest round includes strategic funding from Japanese teleco KDDI
Unlike its more high-profile competitor Uber, Hailo has taken a totally opposite tack that involves getting locals on board before it bulldozes into a new market. Fingers crossed this nice-guys-finish-first model wins.