It's a strong sign that domestic tourism will continue to dominate over the holidays and into next year, particularly with the uncertainty looming over international travel with the Omicron variant.
Clear's previous experience vetting travelers and moving them quickly through airport security put it in an excellent position to take on the challenges of identity, health, and vaccination in the (hopefully) coming post-Covid panic world.
There were naysayers after 9/11 that said people would never fly again in droves out of security concerns, and now Covid and its variant joint-venture partners have rocked the travel industry. History has shown, however, that "travel" and the human spirit are indomitable.
The tech company Clear is hoping an IPO will help it fast-track a path to profitability. But for 11 years, it has been faster at speeding up security lanes than in getting to breakeven.
The airline industry is expressing outward confidence in its readiness for a surge in summer travel. But even with ample prep, most are also warning of snags ahead, including long waits and extra crowds at airports.
Many are optimistic that travelers will flood back into airports and onto planes this summer taking long-delayed vacations. But that flood could hit some bumps as a national labor shortage threatens to hit many aspects of the flying experience.
Payment technology has never been the most exciting part of the travel industry, but agencies that don't offer expense solutions could lose out as companies restart their travel programs.