Articles tagged “tsa”


Southwest Airlines Poised to Join TSA PreCheck Program

There have been complaints from some U.S. passengers that the TSA PreCheck lines are getting very crowded, sometimes more bottled up than the regular security lines. Well, with the addition of Southwest, they are about to get more clogged.

TSA Signs $6.8 Million Deal for Bottled Liquid Scanners

The TSA and U.S. government are enacting a wave of initiatives aimed at making airport security and customs faster, smoother, and still secure. But flyers shouldn't get too excited -- these scanners won't be used to ease bottled water rules.
Media and PR

Eight Unexpected Instagram Accounts From the Travel World

It's difficult to determine if a strong Instagram presence really adds up to any significant impact on business or whether those traditional travel companies picking other social media battles are missing out. If anything, well-liked travel brands enjoy another point of contact with current and potential customers.