Articles tagged “syria”


Syria’s Tourism Industry Shows Signs of Life — But the Comeback Is Controversial

Is visiting a country an implicit endorsement of its leadership? Or can intrepid travelers frame it simply as a gesture of connection with its people? The situation in Syria raises these questions and more.

Syria’s Tourism Industry Shows Signs of Life — But the Comeback Is Controversial


U.S. Appeals Court Will Not Reinstate Trump Travel Ban

This is good news for travel and tourism, but what travelers and business leaders are looking for here is some semblance of consistency by the U.S. on who can come into the U.S. and how.

Online Travel

Weekly Top 15 Travel Data Points From Our SkiftStats Data Feed

Weekly Top 15 Travel Data Points From Our SkiftStats Data Feed


Syria opposes UN placing its six world heritage sites on endangered list

Syria’s tourism industry has become almost non-existent during the civil war and there may be few historical and archaeological sites to attract visitors back in the future.

Syria opposes UN placing its six world heritage sites on endangered list


Syrian conflict inflicts slow death on Lebanon’s tourism industry

Considering Beirut, Lebanon's last 30 years of civil war, it's remarkable that throughout the entire Arab Spring the city has not broken into open warfare. If the biggest loss is a drop in tourism, it's a lucky season.

Syrian conflict inflicts slow death on Lebanon’s tourism industry


The Syrian government’s cozy relationship with the world’s leading airline ticketing companies

Real corporate responsibility begins when companies go beyond mere "compliance" with regulations against outcast airlines and governments.

The Syrian government’s cozy relationship with the world’s leading airline ticketing companies


The Syrian civil war is killing Lebanon’s nascent tourism industry

Restaurants were thriving, luxury hotels were being built, and visitor arrivals were at an all-time high in 2010, but violence in neighboring Syria has kept tourists and locals at home even more so than Lebanon’s own 15-year civil war.

The Syrian civil war is killing Lebanon’s nascent tourism industry


Middle East hotel performance remains relatively steady despite regional civil unrest

The hospitality industry tends to dip and rise in rhythm with regional tensions, but these historic and religious destinations will continue to attract tourist despite a lack of stability.

Middle East hotel performance remains relatively steady despite regional civil unrest


What’s been lost in Syria: Remembering Aleppo’s historic Silk Road souk

Along with the lives it takes, war destroys culuture and history. In the case of Syria, in can wipe a few millennia's worth of tradition of the map in one deadly shelling.


Air France asks passengers to count their cash to contribute to refuel in Syria

The Syrian airport wouldn't accept Air France's credit card, but being asked for fuel money was just the cherry on top of these passengers' flight which had already be re-routed due to violence in Beirut.