Articles tagged “skiftseedlings”

Online Travel

5 New Travel Startups to Make Summer Travel Superb

It's summer time in many parts of the world and travelers are looking to get outdoors and on the water for some fun in the sun and travel startups want a part in the action.
Online Travel

5 New Travel Startups for Bringing Travelers Together

Bringing travelers together with themselves, outside of the local craze that's enveloping travel , theoretically sounds like it would be popular. The focus must be eliminating the "random stranger" feel to create digital familiarity before travelers meet in person.
Online Travel

5 New Travel Startups for Search and Discovery

Just because the ability to connect with a local in a new city exists, doesn't mean that the local necessarily wants to meet. This theory can be applied to many of the emerging travel tools today.
Online Travel

5 New Travel Startups That Support Mobile Travel

With so many startups working on similar concepts, it will difficult for most to break out and differentiate themselves enough to gain the customers they need.