London's political associations with Europe may be changing but its cultural appeal remains strong to many travelers. It's using its nighttime economy to help drive economic growth in the post-Brexit era as it builds out more infrastructure to accommodate the city's nightlife.
It won't surprise anyone that Asian travel is a big theme. But this presentation covers a few changes in consumer behaviors that travel brands ignore at their peril.
Tune in for insight from travel metasearch executives about advertising, standing out in a crowded field, and trying to create product that users will love.
TUI Group has a big job on its hands during its move away from country-specific brands, but the prize is a substantial one. If it manages to create a global superbrand it will make it much easier to expand into new areas and markets.
Having a global, visa-free block of countries might sound idealistic. But many countries have made progress with liberalizing their visa systems in recent years and a worldwide trusted traveler program isn't out of the question in the future.