Yes, the situation in Egypt is far from unclear, but you have to give the tourism authorities marks on trying desperately to gets its biggest industry back to normal, at least in media.
This government report found undertrained inspectors and a high ratio of work order errors, giving credence to fears surrounding FAA’s cost-cutting strategy of outsourcing plane repairs. Conversely, airline safety has never been better.
New Zealand has too much riding on its reputation for adventure tourism to be anything but vigilant in vetting operators, but accidents are going to occur anywhere people are jumping out of planes on a daily basis.
Both tourism and the storage facilities would boost the Finger Lake’s economy, but critics of the storage plan fairly claim tourism poses a lesser threat to the region’s natural resources and safety.
The bombing at the Boston Marathon, although not directed at an airline, should rid carriers and the TSA of any complacency regarding cockpit security. On the other hand, we hope the sequester won't prompt the TSA to cut any corners.
Branson and others in the tourism industry stand to lose money when travel warnings are issued, but that doesn't mean their voices should be quickly dismissed. Governments must do a better job explaining context to visitors when they caution about travel.