Articles tagged “keyless entry”


Hotel Contactless Tech: What Will Stick and What Won’t?

Contactless technology is being adopted in hotels at breakneck speed to ensure safe operations. Not all tech is created equal though. Skift Research looked at what tech has the momentum to continue growing after the pandemic fades.

The Current State of Keyless Entry at Big Hotel Brands

Last year marked a pivotal moment in terms of keyless room technology, as Starwood, Hilton, Marriott, and other brands announced investments in the mobile tech. And while there is consumer uptake, this still feels like a transitional technology that has us asking: What's next?
Online Travel

Keyless Entry Emerged on a Mass Scale - 25 Moments in 2015

25 Moments that Mattered in 2015: To make our selection of 25 moments, we thought back to the stories that drove reader engagement and sparked discussion among both travel experts and the general public. Some stories were quick blips that represented bigger things while others were narratives that built slowly through out the year. Each one, though, spoke to where we are right now when it comes to the big business of global travel.
Online Travel

Starwood Launches Keyless Mobile Entry at Some U.S. and Asian Properties

The keyless entry system has been long-awaited for the industry. With a successful beta test, let's hope Starwood's system continues impressing guests. It will also be interesting to see how many guests bypass reception completely upon arriving at hotels and how many still stop to notify the hotel that they've arrived.