Articles tagged “iata”


How the airline industry is planning to get more social with its customers

You can think of IATA's proposed new way of selling airline services to passengers as something akin to the difference between the way the first generation of computer buffs used linear DOS commands while today's users access GUI interfaces or tap their way through mobile devices. There's a danger, though, that airlines could mishandle passengers' personal information.

State of African aviation: Home-grown carriers battle global players

Tourism and trade are growing throughout Africa and are expected to boost the continent’s aviation market to profitability, but regional carriers worry their share of the profits will be snatched up by more established international carriers.

New York Times opposes airlines' new fare model

It isn't often that mainstream media weigh into the travel distribution wars, but The New York Times has done so. An editorial opposes IATA's proposed New Distribution Capability, which would have airlines market to travelers based on their preferences and frequent flyer status.