Managing agency commissions through a centralized funding structure can help hotels speed up payments and reduce errors, leading to fewer inquiries. This streamlined process not only improves how efficiently hotels operate but also helps build stronger relationships with agencies.
Everyone in the restaurant industry wants a piece of that hotel money. But for the hotel brands, the bigger challenge is making sure that their dining concepts aren’t the same old, boring ones they’ve always had — and convincing both diners and chefs to buy in.
So does everyone else in the hotel business these days. Hotel companies like Marriott certainly have the scale and financial backing to improve hotel dining, but do they have the passion or creativity to mimic the independent restaurants they're trying to imitate? And will diners be able to taste the difference?
Today’s new luxury hotels are on the hunt to fill their F&B spaces with trendsetting partners. That’s why the owner of the soon-to-be TWA Hotel at JFK is looking to the Midwest to satisfy its caffeine craving.
Gone are the days of the stodgy hotel restaurant. Now, restaurants within hotels play an integral role in the vibe, business model, and guest experience. There's also plenty of room to affect real change.
Expect more travel brands to extend their reach into the dining experience going forward, especially since consumers have to eat every day and may only travel on occasion. And after all, the way to anyone's heart is through their stomachs, right?