Future of Passenger Experience

To better understand the challenges facing airlines in an age of fluctuating oil prices, rapid growth, and changing passenger expectations, our Future of Passenger Experience series will allow leaders in the industry to explain their best practices and insights.


Interview: IAG CEO on Low-Cost Competition and Passenger Experience

Willie Walsh is not afraid to make decisions that anger employee unions and disappoint some passengers. That may seem like poor strategy, but it's a big part of the reason that International Airlines Group is in better shape than most of Europe's other airlines. Sometimes, an executive must make unpopular decisions to ensure the long-term success of a business.

Interview: La Compagnie CEO on Why All-Business Class Airlines Can Work

You have to give Frantz Yvelin some credit for thinking big, but the idea that an all-business class airline could work outside of a few of the largest financial centers in the world seems far-fetched. And even routes like London to New York aren't sure winners, as La Compagnie showed recently when it suspended flights.

Interview: Emirates CEO on the Next Generation of Fees

Emirates may be among the world's most innovative airlines, but even it is focused on the bottom line. And since fares have been falling, coach passengers may need to get used to the idea that Emirates will start charging for extras, just as other airlines do.